Expedition building blocks


Expedition building blocks

Building block 1: Desk research
We examine scientific literature, journals, policy papers, and school documents that address the multiform, versatile and changing teacher professional quality in the context of the three current issues.

Building block 2: Meetings with stakeholders
We discuss questions and (interim) insights with interested parties and stakeholders in the educational field, such as teachers, school leaders and institutes for teacher training.

Building block 3: TeacherTapp NL
We join the successful TeacherTapp UK and spend three years asking thousands of teachers from all sectors of education in the Netherlands how they experience teaching and what future teaching should be about. On this page you will find more information about this app.

Building block 4: Field research
We set up camp in various locations to discover and explore actual futureproof teaching at work. We collect targeted data on specific sub-questions by joining and observing teachers, schools and teacher trainers.

Building block 5: Creative Commons
Education is about head, hands and heart. Using creative workshops we explore the hands and heart of future-proof teaching. Which intuitions guide or lead us, what do we feel before and during certain developments in the teaching profession? Out of the box!

Building block 6: Formative interventions
We translate what we have learnt so far during the expedition into insights, guidelines and tools and apply them exploratively in new contexts. Exploring new horizons!

Building block 7: Vignette research
Does something that ‘works’ in one context, also work in another context? “Imagine what you would do when…”. Through vignette research, we explore the value of our findings for others based on case descriptions.

We value and enjoy close collaboration with our partners with our partners from the teaching profession throughout all our work in these building blocks.
