Expeditie op de EAPRIL 2022

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Het Expeditieteam verzorgt tijdens de EAPRIL (European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning) 2022 de workshop ‘Crystallization and the search for artful science’.

In this workshop, we introduce a methodological approach called ‘crystallization’ which states that to get to know an “object” we need to shed different lights on it to co-construct understanding. Crystallization promotes the scientific use of creative methods. Central to the workshop is a hands-on exploration of three creative tools – Family Letters, The Colouring Picture, and Sleeping Beauty. The tools originate from a three-year research project called the “Expeditie Lerarenagenda”. In the workshop, we collaboratively collect experiences with the tools. Results from our project will be used to further illustrate their potential. Together, we reflect on the value of crystallization in general and creative methods specifically for practice-based educational research. The aim of the workshop is to structurally welcome creativity and creative thinking in practice-based research methodology and educational science.
